Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the 16 of us.

although ms zheng xiao jie knows that this blog is going to die and rot on in the end due to the lack of post-OBS enthusiasm from chengho-es, she will still try to keep the blog alive(at least for the time being.) =)

the 16 of us.

LiuYi aka DaShu
Dashu is always filled with enthusiasm although she is unable to be hyper now due to her sausage lips. =( Dashu is crazy over Dashu =). and she can see what we cannot see... *cold wind blows* wooo.... *"dashu wave" to dashu*. yay to dashu-like dashu!

Siwei aka Seaweed
Siwei looks very cool from her appearance. i thought she looked a bit like the daughter of a triad chief at first (i know wo3 xiang3 tai4 duo1...). but in actual fact, siwei is very domestic!!! she can go and join girl guides!!! yay!! the housewife-in-training CCA!!! hee... seaweed always clears up our mess and utensils after every meal... (i think she likes to wash plates...). yay to domestic Siwei!

Yunghian is from NP. so she is very NP-like. if she is from NP, i shall conclude that she likes to pitch tents and run around like siao(she is sure to object to this). thus, the yunghian who likes to pitch tents, helped us to pitch tents during OBS. if not for the yunghian who likes to pitch tent, me, evilyn and feli will be sleeping outside waiting for wild boar to catch us. yay to the yunghian who likes to pitch tents.

erhem. Ziyan is a bit abnormal after OBS. after reading her blog, i believe she has come down with the fishray-madness syndrome. we shall try and brainwash her the next time we see her so our dear ziyan will revert back to the normal ziyan. yay to ziyan!

Evelyn aka Evilyn

Evilyn is sweet-looking. that's what i always hear... BUT, our dear sweet-looking evilyn is spastic!!! she is sweet-looking in the day and then she will turn to a keesiao, spastic girl at night. (so scary neh...). her tentmates do not know what exactly she is so excited about because she just keeps laughing at everything in an extremely spastic manner. X) you can all observe evilyn at night if we were to have a chengho chalet. oh! and evilyn is very a bit kiasu... she applies sunblock and mozzie repellent like its free. (and in an extremely enthu manner too...) X) yay to sweet-looking but spas evilyn!


ChengXin is loved well taken care of by fishray because she gets to come back to camp one on a speedboat driven by fishray. this made fellow chengho-es extremely jealous because we trekked with our delicate legs back to the not-so-paradisey camp two.(it is not because the speedboat was driven by fishray even though certain people might be jealous of that fact... *you-know-what-i-mean look* ) hurhur. chengxin is cute and bubbly because currently, she has a bubbly hand. and chengxin knows that there are green honeydew whereas the extremely *mountain tortoise* zhengxiaojie don't know. yay to chengxin!

Grace aka Josh
Grace is also loved well taken care of by fishray as she gets to eat the ai xin mian personally prepared by fishray. fellow chengho-es are extremely jealous because we do not get to eat the special ai xin mian. we do not even have the "promised" milo breakfast prepared by fishray! waah!! we are jealous!!! yay to grace!

Elizabeth is blur! and she is always lost coz i can't seem to find her easily when we are gathering. the only way to find elizabeth is to wait patiently and then you will see her strolling towards the group with melissa and sometimes huifang. hehe. so blur de. yay to blur blur elizabeth

Kimyung aka Rain
Kimyung is cool! coz she is Rain. Kimyung has a hairstyle like rain so she is called Rain. (hehe so funni.) i think Kimyung is very wen rou! Kimyung talks in a wen rou manner, so shu nv!!! Rain is not very noisy because we are always making all the noise... (yesh, i know im noisy. wuahahaha.) yay to demure shu nv, Kimyung!

Melissa aka MelOng
Melissa is a red lobster!!! hehe, we are both cooked on the last day. but mel's burns are quite severe coz she is like, entirely red on her face and arms. she is very cute like elizabeth and they like to get lost together so chengho-es cannot find them. hehe. yay to red lobster, Melissa.

Yihui aka ChaoLaoShu
Yihui is a chao lao shu. don't ask me why, coz i dunno why too. but we like to crap together, about mr K, photos... and dear chao lao shu is actually worrying about the photo competition during OBS. people all like going to faint and die le, she can still ask me, "hey, the photo competition how?" BLAM! *rock fall onto my head* another worry!! haiz. we will settle that another day. yay to chao lao shu, yihui!

Felicia aka Feli
Feli is feli. she is very open-minded. she is like the fastest to put up her hand and say, "MEE!!!" when fishray asked about our monthly thing. so feli is super kai fang. and we were talking about disgusting things at night too coz we are too boliao already... then you will see evilyn laughing spastic-ly again in the tent and NP mdm, yunghian, trying to sleep. conclusion: yanxin and feli are boliao. yay to boliao plus kai fang feli!

Chen Chen
Chen Chen is very quiet and i don't see her talk when we are gathering together. but she is always helping with a lot of things. so chen chen is a nice girl. and must advertise a bit, "CHEN CHEN SCORED VERY VERY HIGH MARKS FOR HER MATHS TEST!!!" (bcoz she frm 3/8 mah.. hehe. i very bu yao lian...) yay to chen chen!

Nicole became very quiet during OBS. last time she is super noisy de. but now i don't know why she became quiet. and she is currently mad over kayaking... so i tink she might want to join fishray at pulau ubin and kayak her march holidays away... hehe. x) yay to kayak-crazy nicole!

hehe. Huifang... *laughs crazily* i still remember how she enthu-ly picked up siwei's phone when we were all throwing it around at the food court. and how her face fell when fishray came. we all understand how huifang feels although we don't feel the same way... hehe. yay to the love-sick huifang!


oh ya. fishray.
fishray is fishray. fishray is inflexible, naggy and "caring". hehe. sometimes, he feels like an older brother but most of the time, he reminds me of my mother or rather the grumpy old ah ma next door... fishray is rather lame because we all feel cold whenever he tells a "joke". and the gossipy me thinks that fishray likes to encourage himself whenever chengho-es refuses to answer his questions. so he will then mumble to himself or go back to the instructors' lodge to encourage himself at the mirror. (we think that he might be saying things like, "GO! steven! you can do it man!") HAHAHA!! i have wild imagination. anyway, back to the point, no yay for fishray because he owes us pumpings and still dare run back to pulau ubin. argh! we shall catch him back one day!!!

chengho-es rock!!! we have group identity coz we have
shared experience and we share common beliefs!!


by the oh-so-authentic zheng xiao jie,
yanxin =)

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